Contest Beer Submission Form
We are looking forward to seeing you November 4th @ 5:30 pm for this year's event. Our event will provide a table, two chairs (unless specified) , ice, and signage for up to two beers. Five gallons of beer is required for entry of the Brew Master's Pick submission for a public showcase. Entertain your public with your good humor, a smile and possibly a theme for your serving station. Someone will meet you at the front to guide you into the venue. You can park in temporary parking to transport your beer into the building. After it is brought to the room space, you can find municipal parking for your car. We have budgeted one entry to this event for up to two people to be considered volunteer status.
Please be sure to register yourself for the event using the $0 button.
Event registration is so that we have a head count for the event. This is different than the contest registration you have completed already. Also, this is different than the beer submission form:)